Thursday, March 25, 2010

Birthday Blog

Woke up at 7:30 this morning to find that my new bedspread and curtains had arrived. Kim came over and gave me my perm. Love the bedspread, its white with pink roses and green and a little of lavender. We went out to Finley's for our dinner, we always go there for our Birthday Dinners as the Birthday person gets a free dinner or at least$10.99 off their order. So today was very nice for all, Kim was with Ken and I.
Planning to leave for Bonifay next Thursday the 1st of April, we will be gone for a week. Laura will be watching our puppies, while we are gone and Cheryl will be watching our bird. Hoping the trip down will be fruitful for us and will blog if its successful for us.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Looks like we will be going to Florida the week of Easter. Plan to leave the 1st of April and be gone all the next week. Hoping to be able to locate some kind of house to put on the property there. Thinking of a double wide mobile home, found some used ones located nearby, hopefully they will be in good enough shape, and what we want. If not then we will have to keep looking. So will keep our fingers crossed and see what happens.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I started the bedroom painting a few days ago, thought about it for a long time before I started. Decided on lavender, two tone. Finished today, waiting for the drying time, I know I will have to touch up, as the walls are knockdown plaster. I am pleased with the color, and am planning to get new bedding to match and a border for the top of the walls. It will be a few more days until I am finished. Planning a trip soon to Florida will be happy with an update on that.